Trendyol Tech Meetup - Software Modernisation: A strategic approach

We are happy to announce that we will host Sandro Mancuso to hear about a strategic approach to software modernisation that allows business and technology to work together towards a common goal. 


Many organisations rely on strategic systems that are becoming harder and harder to maintain. The company is struggling because features are taking longer to be built and they cannot react fast enough to market demands. Developers are unhappy because the code is messy and negatively affects their productivity. Testers are unhappy because of the volume of work and the impossible task of guaranteeing the quality of the software. Clients are becoming disenchanted because of the lack of quality and low frequency of updates. 


Strategic software cannot become a burden to the organisation – they need to remain strategic and continuously enable business agility.

In this talk, Sandro Mancuso, Co-founder of Codurance, described a strategic approach to software modernisation that allows business and technology to work together towards a common goal.


Youtube Broadcast Link: 


There will be a live Question & Answer slot at the end of the presentation. Prepare your questions, we are looking forward to hearing from all of you!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021
16:30 - 17:30